Publications in English (Mikio Yamamoto)
- Shehui Bu, Mikio Yamamoto and Shuichi Itahashi. 2006. An automatic extraction method of F0 generation model parameters. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Vol.E89-D, No.1, pp.305-313.
- Hiroyuki Obari, Ryousuke TOmiyama, Mikio Yamamoto and Shuichi Itahashi. 2005. Differentiation of English utterances of Japanese and native speakers by several prosodic parameters. Oriental COCOSDA-2005, pp.143-147. Jakarta Indonesia.
- Shehui Bu, Mikio Yamamoto and Shuichi Itahashi. 2004. Evaluation of a method for automatic determination of F0 model parameters. Proceedings of International Conference: Speech Prosody 2004, pp.1-4.
- Shehui Bu, Mikio Yamamoto and Shuichi Itahashi. 2003. A method of automatic extraction of F0 model parameters. ISCA&IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition, pp.227-230.
- Shuichi Itahashi, S.Nishio, Y. Ono, T. Kato and M. Yamamoto. 2002. Design and creation of multilingual speech corpus. Proceedings of SNLP-Oriental COCOSDA 2002, Hua Hin, Thailand, pp.49-53.
- Mikio Yamamoto and Kenneth W. Church. 2001. "Using suffix arrays to compute term frequency and document frequency for all substrings in a corpus," Computational Linguistics, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 1-30.
- Eiko Yamamoto, Mikio Yamamoto, Kyoji Umemura, Kenneth W. Church. 2000. "Dynamic Programming: A Method for Taking Advantage of Technical Terminology in Japanese Documents", Procceedings of 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages, pp.125-132.
- Lin Feng, Kyoji Umemura, Mikio Yamamoto, Kenneth W. Church. 2000. "Using Variable Length Ngrams for Retrieving Technical Abstracts in Japanese", Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages, pp.213-214.
- K.Itou, K.Shikano, T.Kawahara, K.Takeda, A.Yamada, A.Itou, T.Utsuro, T.Kobayashi, N.Minematsu, M.Yamamoto, S.Sagayama and A.Lee. 2000. IPA Japanese dictation free software project. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Vol.3, pp.1343-1349, Athens, Greece.
- Shuichi Itahashi, Nobuaki Shimizu and Mikio Yamamoto. 2000. Recording and analysis of simulated spoken dialogues on document retrieval. Proceedings of ISSD 2000, pp.31-34, Beijing, China.
- Tomohiro Ozawa, Mikio Yamamoto, Kyoji Umemura and Kenneth W. Church. 1999. "Japanese word segmentation using similarity measure for IR," Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition, pp.89-96.
- Shuichi Itahashi, Toshikazu Kiuchi and Mikio Yamamoto. 1999. "Spoken Language Identification Utilizing Fundamental Frequency and Cepstra," Proc. Eurospeech'99, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, pp.383-386.
- Katunobu Itou, Mikio Yamamoto, Kazuya Takeda, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Tatsuo Matsuoka, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Kiyoshiro Shikano, and Shuichi Itahashi. 1999. "JNAS Japanese speech corpus for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition research", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 20, No.3, pp.199-206.
- Shuichi Itahashi, H. Manzaki, Mikio Yamamoto. 1999. Methods for comparing and selecting suitable speech corpora. Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on East-Asiann Language Resources & Evaluation (EALREW 99), Taipei, Taiwan, pp.25-28.
- Katunobu Itou, Mikio Yamamoto, Kazuya Takeda, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Tatsuo Matsuoka, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Kiyohiro Shikano, Shuichi Itahashi. 1998. The Design of the Newspaper-Based Japanese Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Corpus. The 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-98), Sydney, Australia, pp.3261-3264.
- Tatsuya Kawahara, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Kazuya Takeda, Nobuaki Minematsu, Katsunobu Itou,Mikio Yamamoto, Atsushi Yamada, Takehito Utsuro, Kiyohiro Shikano. 1998. "Sharable Software Repository for Japanese Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition. The 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-98), Sydney, Australia.
- Mikio Yamamoto and Kenneth Ward Church. 1998. "Using suffix arrays to compute term frequency and document frequency for all substrings in a corpus," Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Montreal, Canada, pp.28-37. pdf
- Shuichi Itahashi, Mikio Yamamoto and Tatsuya Kawahara. 1998. "Speech Corpus by 'Spoken Dialogue' Project," Proceedings of First International Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources and Evaluation, pp.156-161, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Tatsuya Kawahara, Akinobu Lee, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Kazuya Takeda, Nobuaki Minematsu, Katsunobu Itou, Akinori Ito, Mikio Yamamoto, Atsushi Yamada and Takehito Utsuro. 1998. Common Platform of Japanese Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognizer Assessment -- Proposal and Initial Results --, Proceedings of First International Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources and Evaluation, pp.117-122, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Katunobu Itou, Kazuya Takeda, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Tatsuo Matsuoka, Kiyohiro Shikano, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Shuichi Itahashi and Mikio Yamamoto. 1998. Design and Development of Japanese Speech Corpus for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Assessment, Proceedings of First International Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources and Evaluation, pp.98-103, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Yohei Okato, Keiji Kato, Mikio Yamamoto, Shuichi Itahashi. 1998. "System-User Interaction and Response Strategy in Spoken Dialogue System," The 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-98), Sydney, Australia.
- Shuichi Itahashi, Mikio Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Takezawa and Tetsunori Kobayashi. 1997. Development of ASJ continuous speech corpus --- Japanese Newspaper Article Sentences (JNAS) ---, Proc. Of COCOSDA'97.
- S. Itahashi, N. Ueda and Mikio Yamamoto. 1997. Several measures for selecting suitable speech corpora, Eurospeech '97 Proceedings (European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology), Vol.4, pp.1751-1754.
- Mikio Yamamoto. 1996. "A re-estimation method for stochastic language modeling from ambiguous observations," Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Copenhagen, pp.155-167.
- Y.Okato, K.Kato, M.Yamamoto and S. Itahashi. 1996. "Insertion of interjectory response based on prosodic information," Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications (IVTTA-96), Basking Ridge NJ, pp.85-88.
- Mikio Yamamoto, Takeshi Koike and Seiichi Nakagawa. 1995. "A Menu-Guided Spoken Dialog System and Its Evaluation," 6th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo, pp.547-552.
- Masaru Hidano, Toshihiko Itoh, Mikio Yamamoto and Seiichi Nakagawa. 1995. "Spontaneous speech understanding for a dialogue system," ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Vigso, Denmark, pp.25-28.
- Toshihiko Itoh, Masaru Hidano, Mikio Yamamoto and Seiichi Nakagawa. 1995. Spontaneous Speech Understanding for a Robust Dialogue System, Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium '95, Seoul.
- Mikio Yamamoto and Seiichi Nakagawa. 1993. A menu guided spoken Japanese input system, The International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue, Tokyo, pp.125-128.
- Mikio Yamamoto, Satoshi Kobayashi, Yu-ji Moriya, Seiichi Nakagawa: A spoken dialog system with verification and clarification queries, IEICE Trans. Inf. and Syst., Vol.E76-D, No.1, pp.84-94, 1993.
- Mikio Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Morioka and Seiichi Nakagawa. 1992. Efficient sub-systems of doxastic modal logic, Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence '92, Seoul, pp.1278-1282.
- Min Zhou, Seiichi Nakagawa and Mikio Yamamoto. 1991. Learning of stochastic context-free grammars for continuous speech recognition, The First ROC-Japan Seminar on New Speech Recognition Method, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp.51-61.